Milly Rock is a 22 years-old model, tiktoker and influencer from Paris . He likes to approach his networks in the most creative way, combining fashion, photography and video creates his streetstyle. Also, he spends his free time traveling, getting inspired through fashion or creating new things. He works with famous brands such as Adidas or  Bershka

Milly Rock es un modelo, tiktoker e influencer de 22 años, residente en París. Le gusta enfocar sus redes de la forma más creativa, combinando la moda, la fotografía y los vídeos, creando streetstlye único. Aprovecha su tiempo libre viajando, inspirandose a través de la moda, o creando. Trabaja con marcas de prestigio como Adidas Bershka

/ INSTAGRAM - @milly_roock - 37K /